11 Things Every Writer Needs to Remember

by | Nov 20, 2020

It’s easy to forget important truths about yourself and your writing. Today, I’d like to remind you…

1) You’re allowed to write about whatever you want.

2) Your writing work is worthy of your time, your attention, and a dedicated space in your home.

3) To inspire others you must feed your own inspiration needs.

4) You need to protect your first draft. Tell yourself the story first. In subsequent drafts you can revise the story for readers.

5) Writing is your best teacher. Practice, practice, practice.

6) You are not always the best judge of your work. Neither are others. Set judgement aside and just keep improving your craft.

7) Put your heart on the page. We’re all looking for more heart. Share yours.

8) Your friends and family might not read (or approve of) your writing. Your writing will attract new family and friends. That’s as it should be.

9) Your words won’t get written unless you write them.

10) Your courage to create must outweigh your fears of embarrassment, making mistakes, failing, or offending others.

11) Each day you have an opportunity to write. Each day comes only once. Write a little (or a lot) each day.


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